Fairview Heights Public Library full logo

Phone: 618-489-2070
Children’s Dept: 618-489-2072
Fax: 618-489-2079
Mon-Thurs: 9.30am-7.30pm
Fri: 10am-5pm
Sat: 10am-5pm

Wireless Usage Policy


Free wireless (wi-fi) internet access is available at the Fairview Heights
Library. The wi-fi is filtered. By choosing to use this free service, you agree
to abide by our Computer & Internet Use Policy. This policy states the
limitations of internet access and your responsibilities for using that access
in a legal and responsible manner. Before you can fully access the wi-fi,
wireless users must comply with the library’s Computer & Internet Use Policy
by clicking the button that indicates the patron has read the terms and
conditions of this policy and understand its significance. These regulations
may change without notice.

Library wireless users are cautioned that wi-fi access within the library is a
public network. All transactions, files, and communications may be
vulnerable to unauthorized access and therefore should be considered public
and not secure.

The library assumes no responsibility for the safety of the equipment or for
laptop configurations, security, virus issues or data files resulting from
connection to the library wi-fi.

Wireless Printing access is not available. If you need to print, your options
• email the files to yourself, or
• save to a flash drive, or
• Utilize the library mobile printing options

Access to a public Internet computer would allow you to print your files.
Utilizing the mobile printing option will allow you to access your files from
the sign-in station.

No guarantee can be made that you will be able to make a wireless
connection. Please check with the manufacturer or supplier of your
equipment. Library staff is not able to provide technical assistance.
Although attempts have been made to make wi-fi widely available
throughout the building, you may encounter some “dead” spots. If you have
any problems with reception or connectivity, please move to another location
within the library.

APPROVED 3/18/10, 6/2024

The library will be closed Fridays, April 4th and 18th.
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