Fairview Heights Public Library full logo

Phone: 618-489-2070
Children’s Dept: 618-489-2072
Fax: 618-489-2079
Mon-Thurs: 9.30am-7.30pm
Fri: 10am-5pm
Sat: 10am-5pm

1000 Books Before Kindergarten

1,000 Books Before Kindergarten encourages all families and caregivers to read one thousand books with their children before they enter kindergarten.

Studies have shown that families who start reading aloud to their children at birth help to strengthen their language skills and build their vocabulary – two important tools for beginning to learn to read when they enter kindergarten.

Check out the website 1000booksbeforekindergarten.org for information and resources.

How can I read 1,000 books?

3 books a day for 1 year = 1,095 books. 1 book a day for 3 years = 1,095 books

How do I track 1,000 books read?

Download the app available for Apple or Android below. Or you can track your books via a journal you create and keep as a keepsake for you and your child to look back on years later.

