Fairview Heights Public Library full logo

Phone: 618-489-2070
Children’s Dept: 618-489-2072
Fax: 618-489-2079
Mon-Thurs: 9.30am-7.30pm
Fri: 10am-5pm
Sat: 10am-5pm

Blanket and Pillow Drive

This September we are asking for donations of new or used blankets, pillows,
or other yoga equipment to support our Restorative Yoga class.

It is important that any used items be clean, but it is ok if they show wear.
Excess materials will be donated to a local shelter.

We are throwing a party with trucks!

Come see us and the vehicles of Fairview Heights and more at the St. Clair Square Mall.

Find us by the DXL in the mall parking lot.

ArtVillage Presents: Artist Lecture Series

Each lecture features a presentation by a professional artist as well as opportunities
connect with other local artists. Learn directly from our featured artist about their
techniques, ideas, processes, and inspirations.

Join us from 5:30 to 7PM select Wednesdays this Fall.


Freegal Music

Unlimited streaming and 5 song downloads per week!






Storywalk® at Moody Park

Storywalk® is a fun, educational activity that places a children’s storybook along a popular walking route in a community. Storywalk® was created as a way for people of all ages to combine physical activity with books and to help build children’s interest in reading while encouraging healthy activity for all!

Please share your Storywalk® visits and photos on our Facebook and Instagram pages.

Storywalk® at Moody Park

Storywalk® is a fun, educational activity that places a children’s storybook along a popular walking route in a community. Storywalk® was created as a way for people of all ages to combine physical activity with books and to help build children’s interest in reading while encouraging healthy activity for all!

Please share your Storywalk® visits and photos on our Facebook and Instagram pages.

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