Fairview Heights Public Library full logo

Phone: 618-489-2070
Children’s Dept: 618-489-2072
Fax: 618-489-2079
Mon-Thurs: 9.30am-7.30pm
Fri: 10am-5pm
Sat: 10am-5pm

Public Code of Behavior Policy


Fairview Heights Public Library
Public Code of Behavior Policy
The Fairview Heights Public Library (FHPL) is designed to
A. Provide Library patrons with a safe and pleasant environment consistent with
the Library’s goal of creating inviting physical spaces that encourage the
productive use of the Library by individuals and groups.
B. Enable Library staff to do their jobs effectively and enjoy a safe and secure
workplace protected from disruptive, hostile, or unlawful behavior.
C. Protect Library property from damage or theft.

Prohibited behaviors are those which, in the opinion of the FHPL staff:
• Infringe on the productive use and enjoyment of the Library by others, or
• Interferes with Library operations, or
• Interferes with the ability of Library staff to do their work, or
• Endangers Library property

Individuals visiting or using the library’s facilities or services must comply with the
following Public Code of Behavior. Any behavior which unreasonably infringes on
the safe and pleasant use of the library by others, interferes with library operations
and the ability of staff to their work, or endangers library property is prohibited.
These specific behaviors include, but is not limited to:
1. Engaging in loud or otherwise disruptive conversation or conduct, including
loud use of phones, audio-visual equipment, computers or other equipment.
Patrons are expected to move out to the lobby if conversations cannot be
conducted quickly.
2. Eating is generally prohibited outside of authorized library programs, with the
exception of responsible consumption of small snacks (for example granola
bars, pretzels, dry cereal). Covered nonalcoholic drinks are allowed in public
areas. No food or beverage is permitted in and around the public computers.
3. Using rollerblades, skateboards, scooters or similar equipment in the Library
or immediately outside Library premises.
4. Smoking, vaping, tobacco products, or illegal drugs. Smoking, including
vaping and e-cigarettes, is not permitted within 25 feet of any public
entrance. Additionally, the use of incendiary devices, such as candles,
matches or lighters on library grounds is prohibited.
5. Bringing any animal into the building except an animal needed and trained to
assist a disabled or visually impaired person or an animal that is part of an
authorized Library program or function. Animals left outside the Library may
not impede safe access to the building.
6. Conduct that may cause damage or block access to library facilities,
property, or materials. (Examples include obstructing walkways, vandalism,
unattended belongings, parking lot disruptions, or tampering with
7. Being bare-footed or being exposed indecently. Shirts and shoes are required
for health reasons and must be worn at all times.
8. Inadequate bodily hygiene that interferes with a patrons’ use of the library.
In this instance the patron will be asked to leave the building and return
when the problem has been corrected.
9. Loitering, panhandling, campaigning, petitioning or distributing materials or
goods in the Library or around Library entryways except as specifically
approved by the Library Director. A 100 foot ‘campaign free’ zone must be
maintained in the event the library is used as a polling location.
10. Sleeping in a manner that disturbs or interferes with the use of the Library
by others.
11. Sleeping anywhere on the library premises.
12. Damaging, defacing, or stealing Library property.
13. Using bathroom facilities for bathing, shaving, laundry, or other grooming.
14. Harassing patrons or Library staff in a physical, sexual, or verbal manner
including, but not limited to, purposeful attempts to intimidate, annoy, or
provoke others by following, prolonged staring, or engaging in behavior that
Library staff believes is meant to mock, taunt, or bait, or which reasonably
can be expected to disturb other persons.
15. Engaging in sexual conduct, sexual harassment, or lewd behavior is
16. Failing to leave the premises promptly at closing time.
17.Failing to leave the premises when so directed by Library staff.
18.Possessing or using weapons. [Per Section 65 of Public Act 98-63, the
Firearm Concealed Carry Act (430 ILCS 66), carrying firearms into a public
library is prohibited, even for those who obtain a concealed carry license.]
19.Engaging in any illegal act or conduct in violation of Federal, State, or local
law, ordinance or regulation.

Supervision, Safety and Behavior of Children and Vulnerable Adults in the Library
Children and vulnerable adults may be at risk when they are left unattended. They
could be approached by a stranger, become frightened or ill, become stranded
during an unexpected closing, be asked to leave because of a behavior violation, or
encounter a safety hazard or emergency situation.
A. No child under 11 years of age may be left unattended in the Library, and
children under 8 years of age must be under the direct and constant
supervision of a responsible caregiver.
B. Vulnerable adults who are unable or unwilling to care for themselves may not
be left alone in the library and must have adequate supervision by a
responsible caregiver.
C. While a child attends a Library program, direct and constant supervision may
not require the caregiver’s attendance at the program but does require that
the caregiver remain in the Library and be readily available in case he or she
is needed to provide supervision.
D. A responsible caregiver is an adult or mature adolescent 12 years or older
who assumes full responsibility for the safety and behavior of those in their
E. A vulnerable adult is an adult who is unable to reasonably care for
themselves in an independent manner. This may include adults who are
mentally or physically challenged, or who cannot respond appropriately in an
emergency situation, or need help beyond assistance with typical library
F. The Library is a busy public facility, and staff members do not function in loco
parentis (in place of parents) or as substitute caregivers. They are not
responsible for duties such as safety monitoring, behavior oversight,
bathroom assistance, care of illness, or providing caregiving attention that
prevents them from their work duties.
G. Parents and caregivers must pick up their children or vulnerable adults prior
to closing time. When the library is closing if the safety or behavior of an
unattended child or vulnerable adult is in doubt, staff are authorized to call
the police if the staff are unable to reach a caregiver.
H. Violations of the policy are grounds for suspension of library privileges.

Enforcement of Code of Behavior Policy
A. Staff is authorized to use all necessary and reasonable measures to enforce
this policy. This includes reporting unlawful activities to the police.
B. Any patron or group of patrons who exhibit or participate in prohibited
behavior or disregard Library rules and policies after having been warned by
staff may be asked to leave the Library and not return for the remainder of
the day.
C. Any patron or group of patrons who does not leave the Library after having
been asked by staff to leave will be considered trespassers.
D. Police may be called to:
a. Remove trespassers from the Library premises
b. Provide assistance to Library staff in dealing with persons who violate
Library Policies, rules and regulations
E. The Library Director or Person in Charge is authorized to limit or suspend, for
up to thirty (30) days, Library privileges (all or in part as determined by the
Library Director) of anyone whose unacceptable behavior is chronic or
dangerous or severely disruptive.
APPROVED: 6/2024

The library will be closed Fridays, April 4th and 18th.
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