Fairview Heights Public Library full logo

Phone: 618-489-2070
Children’s Dept: 618-489-2072
Fax: 618-489-2079
Mon-Thurs: 9.30am-7.30pm
Fri: 10am-5pm
Sat: 10am-5pm

Photography and Recording Policy


The Fairview Heights Public Library has adopted the following policy regarding the taking of
photographs or videos inside the library building. Permission is not required for taking
photographs or videos in public areas of the library building for personal, noncommercial use if
no tripods, lights, or other specialized equipment is used. However, there may be library
locations where the taking of photographs or videos is restricted or prohibited (i.e.,
restrooms,). Taking photographs or videos of, or in, areas reserved for staff use only is also
prohibited. If tripods, lights, or other specialized equipment is to be used, requests must be
made at least 24 hours in advance. Persons taking photographs and videos shall not (i)
compromise a patron or staff member’s right to privacy, (ii) harass, intimidate, or threaten a
patron or staff member, or (iii) block library aisles, walkways, stairwells, doors, or exits.

Taking photographs and videos outside of the library building and/or of the library grounds
does not require permission. However, the activity may not impede the ingress or egress of
patrons or staff to or from the library building.

The library may permit use of its facilities for the taking of commercial photographs or videos if
the project does not interfere with the mission of the library and is in accordance with the rest
of this policy. The library will charge a fee to offset costs incurred by the library to provide
access to the facility and prior permission must be sought at least one week in advance.

The library permits the taking of photographs and videos of its publicly-available collections.
However, patrons are solely responsible for obtaining consent or other permission when taking
photographs or videos of copyrighted materials.

The library may take photos, videos, and audio recordings at the library and during library
events to use in its publicity materials and on its website and social media sites. The library
reserves the right to document its services and the public’s use of the library building and
grounds (including on any library website or social media platform). Any individual that does
not wish the library to use a photograph or video of them or their child should inform a library
staff member prior to or while such photographs or videos are being taken.

Any performer that wishes to bring in professional recording equipment to record their
performance must request so in writing at least one week prior to the performance. The library
reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to deny use of recording equipment, and will determine
where any permitted recording equipment is allowed in the space. Additionally, the library will
not assume any liability for the damage/destruction of any equipment brought in by performers
or audio/video engineers. A certificate of liability insurance listing the Library as an additional
insured is required for any recordings that are permitted by the Library.

Persons involved in taking photographs or videos are solely liable for any injuries to persons or
property that result from their activities on library property. They also have sole responsibility
for obtaining all necessary releases and permissions required by law from persons who can be
identified in any photograph or video or for copyrighted materials. The library undertakes no
responsibility for obtaining these releases or permissions.
APPROVED: 6/2024

The library will be closed Fridays, April 4th and 18th.
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