Fairview Heights Public Library full logo

Phone: 618-489-2070
Children’s Dept: 618-489-2072
Fax: 618-489-2079
Mon-Thurs: 9.30am-7.30pm
Fri: 10am-5pm
Sat: 10am-5pm

The staff of the Fairview Heights Public Library all share one common value, the importance of a library in a community.  The staff are all library users and below are some of their interests and ways they engage with the library.

Jill enjoys the diversity of non-fiction she has access to.  From books on caring for houseplants to Persian cooking and even a guidebook for a travel destination.  She also likes using Consumer Reports for recommendations.

Laura enjoys reading adult fiction, (historical and comedies) and also biographies. She uses our popular cloudLibrary for listening to audiobooks. Our digital Hotspots can be checked out and are a must when she is camping.

Dama enjoys reading thrillers and graphic novels.  Her favorite authors include Richard Bachman, Dean Koontz and Robert Kirkman.  She also utilizes two of our popular eResources and enjoys watching a variety of movies on Hoopla and streaming music on Freegal.


Chris loves the extensive music CD collection in the library. She also enjoys reading a variety of fiction including e-audiobooks on the cloudLibrary. Her favorite author is Sarah Addison Allen.

Linda enjoys reading aloud to children, and loves our picture book collection. She is also excited about the digital resources available on our website for those times when you cannot visit the library in person. TumbleBooks and Gale Elementary are two eResources specifically for children that help them with reading and homework.


Ashlee enjoys reading comics, young adult fiction, and high fantasy novels. She’s a fan of Doctor Who, cats, and Pride and Prejudice. Her guilty pleasure reads are Pride and Prejudice variations (also known as fanfiction), but if you ask her, her favorite author is Carlos Ruiz Zafón.


Erica likes reading fiction books including fantasy and sci-fi. She also likes checking out new cookbooks and cooking magazines from our collection because she loves baking in her free time. Her favorite digital resource is Consumer Reports. The reviews and videos on potential purchases is a great guide in the buying process.

Pam likes to read fiction – primarily fantasy, romantic drama or thrillers, and science fiction. Having an actual book in my hands is my preference but I have also used the cloudLibrary to check out items. I’m often bringing books home that my family has requested! They like a great book too!

The library will be closed Fridays, April 4th and 18th.
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