Fairview Heights Public Library full logo

Phone: 618-489-2070
Children’s Dept: 618-489-2072
Fax: 618-489-2079
Mon-Thurs: 9.30am-7.30pm
Fri: 10am-5pm
Sat: 10am-5pm

Computer and Internet use Policy


The Fairview Heights Public Library offers public access to computers and the
internet, as well as wireless access to the Internet on personal devices. The use of
the Library’s Internet computers is a privilege, not a right; misuse will result in a
suspension of that privilege. The following policy has been established to guide access
to public computers and the internet to library patrons. The goal is to provide access
that fairly and effectively serves the diverse needs of patrons. Offering free public
access to the internet is consistent with the library’s mission to support lifelong
learning. The library’s policy in this regard reflects the principles articulated in the
following statements by the American Library Association:
• Library Bill of Rights
• Access to Digital Information, Services and Networks
• Freedom to Read Statement

Internet Access Guidelines
The Fairview Heights Public Library reserves the right to monitor and exercise any
appropriate measures over patrons’ use of the Internet to reasonably ensure
compliance with library policies. The Library reserves the right to classify any action,
access, or operation on the internet as inappropriate. The Library reserves the right
to suspend or revoke computer and Internet privileges if a customer fails to comply
with the following guidelines. Illegal use may be subject to prosecution by local, state,
or federal authorities.
• Public access computers and wireless Internet access may not be used to
access pornographic materials.
• Public access computers and wireless Internet access may not be used for any
purposes that violate U.S. or State laws, including copyright laws or software
licensing agreements.
• Other illegal or unacceptable uses include, but are not limited to: fraud;
bullying; harassment; libel, or slander; solicitation; accessing websites that
are harmful to minors or depict child pornography; and unauthorized
monitoring of electronic communications.
• Computer and wireless users may not interfere with or disrupt network users,
services or equipment.
• The library is not responsible for any commercial transactions conducted by
registered users on library equipment or while using its wireless Internet
• Computer and wireless users must comply with the library’s Computer &
Internet Use Policy by clicking the button which indicates that the patron has
read the terms and conditions of this policy and understands its significance.
These regulations may change without notice.

The Library has no control over information available through the Internet and
cannot be held responsible for its content. Computer and wireless users should be
aware that images on the screen and at public printers are subject to view by any
Library patron or employee passing by in this public setting.

Public computer and wireless users are cautioned that the Internet is not a secure
medium and all transactions, files, and communications may be vulnerable to
unauthorized access and therefore should be considered public.

Hardware and Software Use
The Library reserves the right to exercise any appropriate measures necessary to
protect our computer systems and cannot guarantee the integrity of data on personal
storage devices.
• Patrons wishing to save files must provide their own storage device.
• Any personal software requiring either administrator access to install, or a
reboot of the computer, may not be used on any library computer.
• Propagation of computer viruses and worms, hacking, and using the network
to make unauthorized entry to any other machine accessible via the network
are all prohibited.
• The Library is not responsible for any problems that may occur when using
library computers, including loss of files or data.
• The Library makes reasonable efforts to protect personal privacy, including the
use of software that deletes user activity. Computer users are responsible for
protecting their data.

User Qualifications & Time Limits
Fairview Heights Public Library cardholders may log themselves into the sign-in
station using their library card barcode number. FHPL cardholders owing $5.00 or
more will be restricted from using the computers. Guest passes are available upon
request at the circulation desk. An ID is required for guest pass use.
For patrons taking online exams which cannot be interrupted, staff may issue a
reservation of up to 4 consecutive hours, provided this request is made 48 hours in
Public computer users are limited to 3 hours per day. Use is on a “first-come, first
served” basis.

Children’s Access to the Internet
There are no age restrictions for use of the Internet and wireless services at the
Library. Parents, guardians or designated caregivers are responsible for supervising
their minor child’s use of the Internet at the library. The library respects the right of
parents to determine what is appropriate for their children but the Library cannot
enforce these rules, which may be different for each family in our community.
Children under the age of 8 years old must be accompanied and supervised by a
parent, guardian, or designated caregiver while at the computer station. Parents with
small children may use the computer with the understanding that the child will be
under direct supervision while at the computer station.

The library filters Internet access in accordance with federal law regarding acceptance
of E-Rate funding. The Fairview Heights Public Library (FHPL) will operate a
technology protection measure (“filtering/blocking device”) on the network and/or all
computers with Internet access, as required by law. The filtering/blocking device will
be used to protect against access to visual depictions that are obscene, harmful to
minors and child pornography, as required by law. Because the FHPL’s technology is
a shared resource, the filtering/blocking device will apply to all FHPL computers with
Internet access. Filtering/blocking devices are not foolproof and the FHPL cannot
guarantee that users will never be able to access offensive materials using the FHPL
equipment. Evasion or disabling, or attempting to evade or disable, a
filtering/blocking device installed by the FHPL is prohibited. These terms are also
applicable to any personal wi-fi enable devices.
The Library Director or a designee may disable the FHPL’s filtering/blocking device to
enable an adult user access.

Printing is available for a fee at the standard rate posted for black & white, and color
copies. Mobile printing is also available for a fee with details on our website or consult
with a staff member.

Staff Assistance
Users should have some basic knowledge of the applications they intend to use. The
Library staff will assist in start-up procedures and simple trouble-shooting dependent
on staff availability and their other work responsibilities. They will also help you find
traditional “how-to” materials available in the Library. Patrons are permitted to bring
one additional user who may be of assistance when using computer applications.
Seating at Stations
No more than two people may be at a public computer station at one time. Children
under 8 years of age must be seated with a parent or guardian.

See Also
The Fairview Heights Public Library Wireless Usage Policy
Approved 3/2015, 8/2015, 6/2024

The library will be closed Fridays, April 4th and 18th.
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