Fairview Heights Public Library full logo

Phone: 618-489-2070
Children’s Dept: 618-489-2072
Fax: 618-489-2079
Mon-Thurs: 9.30am-7.30pm
Fri: 10am-5pm
Sat: 10am-5pm


Library Cards

Borrowing Materials

Fees and Fines

Hotspot Lending

Wireless Usage Policy

Computer & Internet Use Policy

Electronic Meetings Policy

Public Code of Behavior Policy

Library Board Bylaws

Public Comments

Photographing & Recording Policy


Any resident, age three (3) or older, who lives within the corporate city limits of Fairview Heights, is eligible for a free library card. The library card is renewable in three (3) years from date of issue. LIBRARY CARDS ARE NOT TRANSFERABLE.

To apply or renew a library card, adults 18 years old and up, must present a valid Illinois photo I.D. showing their current Fairview Heights address. In the absence of this, two pieces of identification, to include a photo i.d. plus something with their name and a current Fairview Heights address will be required. The identification may include two of the following :

  • Driver’s license
  • Military i.d. (for photo use)
  • Voter’s registration
  • Checkbook
  • Tax receipt (for address claimed)
  • Utility bill (phone, power, water, sewer)
  • Mortgage or Deed
  • Signed lease agreement or occupancy permit from the City of Fairview Heights issued within last 30 days.

Other identification with their name, address or photo may be accepted at the discretion of the library staff member on duty. (E.g. car registrations, renter or homeowner insurance policy)
Children under 18 must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian, who will sign the card for the minor. Legal guardians must show proof of guardianship. A library card will be refused if there is no proper identification.

RENEWING: All fines and fees must be cleared from the patron’s account before their library card can be renewed.

If replacing a lost unexpired card, just one ID with their name and a current Fairview Heights address is required.

Nonresidents (anyone residing outside the corporate city limits of Fairview Heights) may purchase a Nonresident card. This card, which must be renewed annually, entitles the holder access to all materials and services available at the Fairview Heights Public Library, as well as reciprocal privileges at all participating Illinois public libraries. The fee for this card shall be set annually by the Library Board of Trustees in accordance with 75ILCS 5/4-7(12) which specifies that the fee shall be “at least equal to the cost paid by the residents…according to the formula established by the Illinois State Library”. Current and proper identification must be presented at the time of application.

A business card may be issued in accordance with 75 ILCS 5/4-7(12). “A nonresident who as an individual, or as a partner, principal stockholder, or other joint owner, owns taxable property, or is a senior administrative officer of a firm, business or corporation owning taxable property within the city… ” shall be issued a nonresident library card with full privileges upon presentation of the most recent tax bill for that taxable property. Additionally, multiple nonresident owners or lessors at a single property are able to apply for a library card and use library services. The cards are not transferable and must be renewed annually.

Per Illinois General Assembly legislation enacted on 8/14/18 (P.A. 100-0875) a nonresident fee will not be applied to a nonresident who owns or leases property that is taxed for library service. The nonresident owner or leaseholder must present either the most recent tax bill for the property or a copy of the commercial lease. Additionally, multiple nonresident owners or lessors at a single property are able to apply for a library card and use library services. This card is not transferable and must be renewed annually.


Patrons must present a valid library card (on which no materials or fines in excess of $5.00 are outstanding) before checking items out. Driver’s licenses are not acceptable as substitute library cards.

Patrons may borrow five (5) items at the time their library card is first issued. Thereafter, an unlimited number of items may be borrowed with exceptions noted below.

Most Fairview Heights items circulate for a period of three (3) weeks with any exceptions noted below. Valid library cardholders may reserve any materials at no charge.

Any item may be renewed if there is no reserve on it. Renewals may be taken by in person or via phone, email or online account access. There is a limit of 3 renewals.


It is a parent/guardian responsibility to monitor what his/her child reads, views or hears. The library maintains an open-stack policy for all card holders regardless of age.


The library assumes no responsibility for damage caused to a patron’s audio or visual player by library audio or visual material. If material is damaged, the patron must pay replacement costs.

A maximum of 25 audio items may be checked out on a patron’s record.

A maximum of 10 visual items may be checked out on a patron’s record.

A maximum of 2 boxoffice DVDs may be checked out per family
Boxoffice DVDs circulate 1 week with no renewals
Late fee is .25/day per item, max. fine not to exceed $3.00 per item.

A maximum of 2 video games may be checked out per family
Video games circulate for 3 weeks with no renewals.
Video game late charge is .25/day per item, max fine not to exceed $3.00 per item.

Refer to Hotspot Lending Policy for details.


Items can be checked out for their standard loan period and, if eligible, renewed two times. Library cardholders are responsible for returning or renewing items to prevent their library card from being blocked.

You will receive a notification when your library materials are two (2) and nine (9) days overdue to alert you that you must return or renew them. Notification options available to you are email, text and phone.  When materials are thirty (30) days overdue the library considers the items lost and will invoice you for the cost of items and any applicable processing fees. Your library card will be blocked at this point, preventing you from renewing, checking out items and using online services. If you return the items in good condition, the replacement fee and processing fee will be waived. These fees become non-cancellable if the items are not returned within ninety (90) days of being overdue from the initial first due date.

Juvenile Material:

The Fairview Heights Public Library does not charge over-due fines on youth material. Items that are not returned will be billed to the patrons account utilizing the schedule laid out in the paragraph above.


Overdues (books, A/V, magazines): .10 per day/per item. Max fine not to exceed $3.00 per item.

Overdue Boxoffice DVDs- 7 day .25 per day/per item. Max fine not to exceed $3.00 per item.

Overdue Video Games .25 per day/per item. Max fine not to exceed $3.00 per item.

Lost or stolen library card: $2.00 per card

Roku: $5.00/day. Max fine not to exceed market value of item

Photocopy: .10 per page. (black & white) .50 per page. (color)

Printouts .10 per page (black & white) .50 per page (color)

Non resident cards Prevailing rate

Fax machine $1.00 per page

Hotspot: See Hotspot Lending Policy

Hotspot Lending Policy

Mobile Hotspots are available to Fairview Heights Public Library cardholders for checkout. These devices serve as a personal wifi internet service, and allow patrons to go online without having to incur charges for doing so. Tablets, laptops, cell phones and similar electronic devices can be connected to a Hotspot and allow the user to surf the internet without having to use fee-based cellular data service. Up to 10 devices can be connected to one Hotspot. Sprint 4G LTE service coverage is offered. Service is subject to signal strength in the area where the device is taken.

In order to check out a Hotspot, patrons must:

1. Be an adult patron cardholder (age 18+) with a Fairview Heights Public Library card in good standing. Members of other libraries may not check out Hotspot devices at this time.
2. Use his/her own library card at the time of checkout, and present current ID that matches the address on file with the Library. If ID does not match, patron will be required to present additional current documentation to prove Fairview Heights residence.

Patrons may check out one device at a time per residential address for a maximum of three (3) weeks. The Hotspot is not renewable. Holds can be placed on the Hotspot but no specific date can be guaranteed. Devices must be returned directly to a library staff member at the Circulation Desk during normal library business hours. DO NOT RETURN IN THE OUTSIDE OR INSIDE BOOKDROP. Overdue fines are $5.00 per day.

Patrons will be fully responsible for replacement costs of missing or damaged parts to the Hotspot device. In the event that the device is inoperable, loses function or is not returned, cost will be assumed by the patron as follows:

Unreturned/Damaged* Hotspot
*(Damage resulting in the loss of functionality of the Hotspot):
Missing/Damaged Power Cable: $15.00
Missing/Damaged Case: $20.00
Device Replacement Processing Fee $5.00

Once the device is one week or more overdue, the wireless service will be discontinued by the Library, shutting off internet access. If the device is not returned within six (6) weeks of check out, the patron will receive a bill for the device that covers parts according to the processing fee schedule outlined above.

Additionally, patrons are reminded that they may not conduct illegal activities when using the device, or engage in any “unacceptable use” as described in the Library’s Computer Use policy.


Free wireless (wi-fi) internet access is available at the Fairview Heights Library.
The wi-fi is filtered. By choosing to use this free service, you agree to abide by our Computer Use Policy. This policy states the limitations of internet access and your responsibilities for using that access in a legal and responsible manner. (Before you can fully access the wi-fi, the opening page of our website will ask you to read our policy and click on the agreement tab).

The library wi-fi is not secure. Information sent to and from your laptop or other wireless devices could be captured by others.

The library assumes no responsibility for the safety of the equipment or for laptop configurations, security, virus issues or data files resulting from connection to the library wi-fi.

Printing access is available via our Mobile Printing Option. Please speak with a staff member for more details.

No guarantee can be made that you will be able to make a wireless connection. Please check with the manufacturer or supplier of your equipment. Library staff is not able to provide technical assistance.

Although attempts have been made to make wi-fi widely available throughout the building, you may encounter some “dead” spots. If you have any problems with reception or connectivity, please move to another location within the library.


The Fairview Heights Public Library (FHPL) develops and maintains collections, resources, and services to meet the cultural, informational, recreational, and educational needs of its patrons. In response to technological evolution, the Library has made free, filtered internet access and selected software available to its card holders, subject to the following limitations:

Acceptable Use and Misuse
The use of the Library’s Internet computers is a privilege, not a right; misuse will result in suspension of that privilege. In the case of a minor (under 18), a first time violation will result in a 6 month suspension of internet privileges. A second violation will result in cancellation of internet privileges. Adults 18 or older will have their internet privileges suspended for 2 years for the first offense. A second violation will result in cancellation of internet privileges.

Although the Library has no control over information available through the Internet and cannot be held responsible for its content, users should not access and display materials that might be offensive to others in this, a public setting.
Parents and/or guardians are responsible for restricting a minor’s access to Internet materials.

User Qualifications & Time Limits
Users must present their valid Fairview Heights library card or another library card from within the Illinois Heartland Library System (IHLS) and have fines not exceeding $5.00 in order to use a computer. Guest passes are available upon request for non FHPL card holders. Fairview Heights library card holders are limited to 3 hours per day and all others are limited to ninety (90) minutes per day. If a user is under the age of 18, a parent or guardian and the child must co-sign the Registration and User Agreement in order for the child to have access to a computer. A parent or guardian must personally supervise Internet use by children under 11. Reservations are not accepted; use is on a “first-come, first served” basis.

Guidelines for Internet Use
Users shall not use the Internet for any illegal activity or place any material on the Internet related to any illegal activity. Users shall not invade the privacy of others or engage in any activity that is harassing, defamatory, or threatening; or receive or display graphics which may reasonably be construed as obscene as defined by law.

The library is not responsible for any commercial transactions conducted by registered
users on Library equipment.

It is the responsibility of users to respect copyright laws and licensing agreements and assume responsibility for payment of fees for any fee-based service.

Library users are cautioned that the Internet is not a secure medium and all transactions, files, and communications may be vulnerable to unauthorized access and therefore should be considered public.

Seating at Stations
One person is allowed at each computer. Any exceptions MUST be pre-approved by staff. Children under 11 must be seated with a parent or guardian.

The Fairview Heights Public Library (FHPL) staff will monitor the online activities of minors and operate a technology protection measure (“filtering/blocking device”) on the network and/or all computers with Internet access, as required by law. The filtering/blocking device will be used to protect against access to visual depictions that are obscene, harmful to minors and child pornography, as required by law. Because the FHPL’s technology is a shared resource, the filtering/blocking device will apply to all FHPL computers with Internet access. Filtering/blocking devices are not foolproof and the FHPL cannot guarantee that users will never be able to access offensive materials using the FHPL equipment. Evasion or disabling, or attempting to evade or disable, a filtering/blocking device installed by the FHPL is prohibited. These terms are also applicable to any personal wi-fi enable devices.

The Library Director or a designee may disable the FHPL’s filtering/blocking device to enable an adult user access.

Express E-Mail Station
An express email station is available for those 18 or older and is limited to 20 minutes per use.

Printing and Downloading.
Printing is available at the standard rate of 10 cents a page. Downloading is permitted.

Staff Assistance.
Users should have some basic knowledge of the applications they intend to use. The Library staff will be happy to assist in start-up procedures and simple trouble-shooting. They will also be pleased to help you find traditional “how-to” materials available in the Library.


To view the Electronic Meetings Policy please click here.

Public Comments

Public comments are permitted during the time designated on the meeting agenda. Time allotted for public comments will be limited to 30 minutes total.

The Board President may grant a request to address the Board during other portions of the meeting.

A sign-in sheet will be provided and will determine the order in which speakers will be recognized.

Unless additional time is granted by the Board President, each person is allowed a maximum of five minutes to speak.

Each speaker shall provide his/her name address and group affiliation (if any).

Comments should be brief and to the point. Language that is considered offensive, harassing or profane will not be tolerated.

The Board will not take action on any items until the next Board meeting, or later.

Members of the public will not be allowed to speak a second time until all members of the audience who wish to speak have been allowed to speak.

Minutes are a summary of the Board’s discussion and action. Speaker requests to append written statements or correspondence to the minutes will not be honored; written materials presented to the Board will be included in the Library’s files rather than the minutes.


Parents are responsible for the behavior of their children while they are in the Library. The Fairview Heights Public Library staff is committed to help children with activities related to the Library. However, Library staff cannot, nor is it their responsibility to serve as baby-sitters, teachers, or disciplinarians. Violations of this policy are grounds for suspension of library privileges. Whenever advisable, the Library will notify the parent or guardian of incidents involving an unattended child (Form follows).

Children under the age of eleven must be accompanied and directly supervised at all times by a parent or other responsible caregiver. When the safety of an unattended child is in doubt, or the parent or other responsible caregiver cannot be located, or if the Library is closing, Library staff is authorized to call the police and stay with the child until the police arrive.

From time to time, the Fairview Heights Public Library schedules or provides programs which are designed and suitable for attendance by children without parental supervision.
Such program announcements will so indicate, and if no indication is included, then supervision is required. When so indicated, if the parent or caregiver intends to be absent, they must leave word at the circulation desk as to their whereabouts and, if possible, a phone number where they or a responsible adult can be contacted.

Children age eleven and older may use the Library unattended by an adult, subject to other Library rules and policies concerning behavior, conduct, and demeanor.



In the event a young person is still at the library 15 minutes after the library closes, the police will be called to pick up the young person and escort them to the Police Station. Attempts will be made during those 15 minutes to reach parents, but in no instance will staff take juveniles home.